Fat mothers difficult breast feed

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Fat is mothers difficult breast feed. Two studies published by The Journal of Pediatrics, showed that mothers who are obese or overweight will get into trouble when I had to breastfeed her newborn. Obesity is caused due to failure of the mother responds to the hormone prolactin.

Baby's birth will trigger the hormone prolactin stimulation that serves as the production of breast milk.

Fat mothers difficult breast feed in this case, while research shows that mothers who are overweight and obese have difficulties when responding immortal birth as an attempt to produce prolactin.

Our study show that women who are overweight and obesity requires the support that they need to succeed at breastfeeding, says Dr. Kathleen M. Rasmussen of Cornell University in Ithaca.

In some practices, some women need help from lactation consultants and provide an earlier schedule in order to get advice on the first day and first week when the baby is born.

Previously Dr. Rasmussen and his team of researchers have made some observations to pregnant women who are overweight and obese as well as Dr. Ramussen doing research on normal women in the matter of breast-feeding.

In our observation of the psychological character of a woman while giving breast milk to give a definite explanation of why the period of breastfeeding was no smooth and only short-term, explained Dr. Rasmussen said.

We advise that efforts to raise the prolactin response in women who are obese or advantage weight.

Just as Dr. Rasmussen, Chris L. Kjolhede of Bassett Healthcare Research Institute, Cooperstown also perform measurements on the content of prolactin and progesterone concentrations before and after 30 minutes when mothers breast feed.

Dr Chris L Kjolhede that women who are overweight and obese pregnant would have a hard time where productivity is very low prolactin than normal women during the period of 48 hours when a baby is born.

Both Dr. Rasmussen and Dr. Chris say women obesity and overweight will be successful but to them the benefits of breastfeeding should be given particular support.

That is my explanation of the fat mothers difficult breast feed.

Tag: fat mothers, breast feed, fat mothers difficult breast feed